Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

Wellness Made Easy: 8 Tips to Jumpstart Your Health

Written by Lisa Stovall | Mon, Feb 05, 2024

$5.6 trillion.

Yes, you read that right.

The global wellness industry has ballooned into a $5.6 trillion behemoth, according to the Global Wellness Institute. Mind-boggling, isn't it? With every scroll through our feeds, we're bombarded with the latest diet trends, must-have fitness gadgets, an endless supply of supplements, and influencers telling us how we should live our healthiest lives. It's enough to make anyone's head spin.

But here's a little secret: Getting healthier, boosting your vibe, and feeling like a million bucks doesn't have to be a maze of complexity and confusion. We've distilled the noise down to eight straightforward, no-nonsense tips that anyone can start using today. And we're not just talking the talk; we're going to walk you through how to weave these life-changers into the fabric of your everyday life.

And what's even more awesome? These tips aren't just for your personal benefit. Spread the wellness love in your workplace, too. Trust us, nurturing a culture of health and happiness at work is the ultimate win-win.

Ready? Let's go!

1. Flex Your Muscles

Strength training is a game-changer for everyone, not just gym rats. The benefits are truly remarkable, including a reduced risk of chronic illnesses, a boost in self-confidence, and a lower chance of experiencing falls and injuries. Whether you call it weight training, resistance training, or muscular training, incorporating strength exercises into your routine is a surefire way to enhance your overall well-being.

Easy does it: Start with simple bodyweight moves at home — no need for a gym membership or fancy equipment. Check out this 9-minute strength workout to get started. Aim to get moving 2-4 times a week. The biggest thing is that you won't see the results the next day, so you need to commit and stay consistent.

Workplace tip: Offer on-site fitness classes or gym memberships as perks. Encourage stretch breaks during long meetings or work sessions.

2. Snooze to Win

Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential for taking care of yourself and feeling your best! When we snooze, our body does amazing things like repairing damaged tissues, consolidating memories, and releasing hormones that help with hunger, mood, and immune function. If we don't get enough sleep, it can really bring us down and make us feel tired, grumpy, and less able to think clearly. 

Snooze like a pro: Create a cozy bedtime ritual (think: no screens, maybe a book, and definitely some chill vibes). Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary — cool, dark, and quiet. Shoot for those golden 7-9 hours. 

Workplace tip: Promote a culture that values rest. Avoid glorifying overtime and encourage taking breaks to recharge.

3. Break Up with Your Phone 

The digital age has tethered us to our devices, often to our detriment. It's easy to get caught up in the constant notifications and updates, and before we know it, we're feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It's important to remember to take some time away from our screens and engage in activities that nourish our minds and bodies. 

Here's the deal: Set times for checking social media and stick to 'em. Ever tried those apps that limit your scrolling? They're game-changers. Replace aimless browsing and doom scrolling with something like doodling, dancing in your living room, or anything that sparks joy.

Workplace tip: Create tech-free zones or times to help everyone disconnect and destress. It can boost focus and productivity, too!

4. Find Your People

Humans are social creatures, and our health thrives on connection. Research has shown that these social connections are super important for maintaining our happiness. For instance, receiving love and support from our loved ones can decrease stress and anxiety, while social isolation can increase the risk of depression, cognitive decline, and even mortality. 

Get social: Jump into activities that light you up, from volunteer groups to book clubs or a cooking group. The simple act of hanging out and connecting with people can work wonders in uplifting your spirits and reducing stress.

Workplace tip: Organize team-building activities or interest groups within the company. It strengthens connections and fosters a supportive environment.

5. Walk it Out

Walking is basically the best thing ever. It's easy, it's free, and you can do it pretty much anywhere. Walking offers so many benefits, like improving your heart health, strengthening your bones and muscles, boosting your metabolism, and helping you manage your weight. Plus, it can lower your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension and even improve your sleep quality. 

Make it happen: Kick off your day with a 15-minute stroll. It's like a coffee for your soul (and legs!). Got a desk job? Take five to stretch those legs every hour or so. Every step counts, aiming for at least 7,500 daily. 

Workplace tip: Encourage walking meetings or start a lunchtime walking club. It's a great way to get steps in and boost team spirit.

6. Watch What You Eat

Taking care of your health and maintaining a healthy weight is so important, and one way to do that is by being mindful of the number of calories you eat. Unsure how many calories you should be eating? Luckily, there's an easy solution — a calorie calculator! This nifty tool takes into account your age, weight, height, and activity level to estimate the number of calories you need to maintain your weight or reach your desired weight.

Try this: Keep a food diary or use an app to track what you're munching on. Getting savvy about labels and portion sizes can really open your eyes. 

Workplace tip: Stock the break room with healthy snack options and encourage potlucks focusing on nutritious dishes.

7. Power Up with Protein and Fiber

Fiber intake is lagging behind in the United States, with only 5% of people meeting the Institute of Medicine's recommended daily target of 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. It's time to give this important nutrient the attention it deserves.

Protein is also a vital nutrient that plays a role in many bodily functions. It is a building block of muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, and blood. Protein is also essential for growth and development and helps repair cells and make new ones. To keep your muscles happy and your tummy satisfied, try to aim for around 0.7 grams of protein per pound of your target body weight.  So if your goal weight is 150 pounds, you should consume 105 grams of protein daily. 

Here's how: Add a protein punch to your meals (chicken, beans, tofu, you name it) and fiber-rich foods like whole grains and veggies. Your body (and digestive system) will love you for it.

Workplace tip: Host a healthy recipe share day. It’s a fun way to learn about nutritious eating and discover new favorites.

8. Laugh A Lot

Life's too short to be serious all the time. It's essential to balance out the serious side of things with some fun and laughter. After all, laughter is the best medicine and a secret ingredient to living a vibrant and fulfilling life. 

Laughter has the power to dissolve stress, ease tension, and melt away worries. It's a natural stress reliever that releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can instantly uplift our mood and make us feel more optimistic. 

Lighten up: Find humor in the little things, watch a funny movie, or hang out with friends who make you giggle until your stomach hurts. Laughing not only feels good, but it's also good for you.

Workplace tip: Encourage a light-hearted atmosphere where appropriate. Sharing a laugh can build bonds and relieve tension.

Unlock Your Best Self

See? Improving your health doesn't have to be about big, scary changes. It's the little shifts that add up to big wins. By weaving these tips into your routine, you'll be on your way to a happier, healthier you in no time. And when you bring these ideas into the workplace, you're not just looking out for your health but also nurturing a vibrant, energetic team. Remember, every step forward is progress, and I'm cheering for you all the way! Let's do this — both at home and at work!