Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

From Cholesterol to BMI: What 127,000 Biometric Screenings Tell Us About Employee Health

Written by Lisa Stovall | Mon, Feb 19, 2024

Would you like to enhance the overall health of your employees?

Biometric screenings can be a game-changer.

These screenings collect crucial health data to assess whether an individual is in good health or has any health issues that require attention. Companies can offer wellness screenings on-site, at local labs, with visits to primary care physicians, or through home kits to monitor employee health.

In 2023, TotalWellness collected data from over 127,000 individuals, encompassing top executives to frontline employees. These screenings provide a comprehensive overview of employee health across various industries, offering valuable insights into the wellness of employees across the United States.

We are excited to present our nationwide results for 2023 below.

What the 2023 Biometric Screenings Results Reveal

Biometric screenings are more than just numbers on a chart; they are a window into the overall health of an organization's most valuable asset — its people. These screenings measure critical health metrics, including cholesterol, blood sugar, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, and waist circumference, painting a detailed picture of employee health.

Cholesterol: A Mixed Bag of Results

Our findings in 2023 illuminate a complex picture: 72% of participants boasted optimal total cholesterol levels, yet the details tell a deeper story. With 57% showcasing optimal TC/HDL cholesterol ratios and 30% maintaining optimal HDL (the "good" cholesterol) levels, it's clear there's room for improvement. 

Actionable Tips for Employers:

  • Host Nutrition Workshops: Offer on-site or virtual workshops focusing on heart-healthy diets, emphasizing the importance of reducing saturated fats and cholesterol intake.
  • Promote Healthy Eating Options: Ensure the workplace cafeteria or vending machines offer healthy food choices that are low in cholesterol and saturated fats.
  • Implement a Wellness Challenge: Encourage a "Healthy Heart" challenge, motivating employees to track their food intake and increase their physical activity.

Glucose: A Sweet Spot for Most

The data reveals a silver lining: 75% of participants have normal blood glucose levels. However, the shadow of prediabetes looms over 20%, with almost 5% confirmed as diabetic, underscoring the critical need for early detection and lifestyle interventions.

Actionable Tips for Employers:

  • Diabetes Awareness Campaign: Organize educational sessions on the importance of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and recognizing the signs of prediabetes.
  • Encourage Regular Screening: Make glucose screenings readily available and encourage employees to monitor their levels regularly.
  • Support Lifestyle Changes: Provide resources and support for employees looking to make lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking or losing weight, which can significantly impact blood sugar levels.

Blood Pressure: A Pressing Concern

Blood pressure results signal a call to action, with only 43% of individuals within the normal range. The journey from elevated levels to hypertension stages underscores the vital need for regular monitoring and lifestyle adjustments to prevent long-term cardiovascular risks.

Actionable Tips for Employers:

  • Stress Management Programs: Offer programs or workshops that teach stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, yoga, or meditation.
  • Promote Physical Activity: Encourage regular exercise through initiatives like walking meetings, fitness classes, or gym membership discounts.
  • Monitor Blood Pressure: Install blood pressure monitoring stations around the workplace and encourage employees to regularly check their levels.

BMI: Weighing the Scale

The battle against obesity is far from won, with only 24% of participants falling within the normal BMI range. The escalating percentages from overweight to extremely high weight categories highlight a pressing health crisis, with obesity-related diseases waiting in the wings.

  • Weight Management Programs: Offer access to weight management programs that provide personalized plans.
  • Create a Supportive Environment: Foster a culture that supports weight loss and healthy living, including providing spaces for physical activity and encouraging team-based wellness challenges.
  • Educate on Healthy Eating: Provide nutrition education sessions focusing on balanced diets and portion control to help employees make healthier food choices.

Waist Circumference: The Telling Tape

Waist circumference, a direct marker of health risk, tells a tale of two halves: 60% normal versus 40% high. This metric serves as a stark reminder of the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease associated with abdominal obesity.

  • Ergonomic Workspaces: Promote an active work environment with options like standing desks or stability balls to encourage movement and reduce sedentary behavior.
  • Healthy Eating Seminars: Organize seminars on the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining a healthy waist circumference and overall well-being.
  • Encourage Regular Physical Activity: Implement flexible scheduling to allow employees time for physical activity during the day and sponsor participation in local fitness events.

The Undeniable Value of Biometric Screenings

The benefits of biometric screenings extend far beyond the individual, fostering a culture of health and wellness within the workplace. They offer immediate, actionable insights, empower employees with knowledge, and guide the development of targeted wellness programs. 

If you're ready to dive into the world of workplace wellness, TotalWellness is here to guide you. Our biometric screenings are the key to understanding and improving the health of your employees. Join us in shaping a healthier future for your workforce. Head over to our biometric screening information page to discover how we can customize a program to meet your organization's unique needs.

Have you implemented biometric screenings in your workplace? We'd love to hear how your results stack up against the nationwide statistics. Share your experiences and insights below.