Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

10 Easy Ways to Make Time for Wellness

Written by Robyn Whalen | Mon, Nov 28, 2016

With 40-hour work weeks, raising a family, and trying to maintain a decent social life, it can seem like there is no time for wellness. Even 30 minutes of cardio a day seems completely impossible, much less cooking a healthy dinner after a long day.

The truth is that you are always going to be busy, and living a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. However, it is also true that healthy “me time” should be a priority in your life if you wish to stay mentally and physically healthy. Here are some simple ways to make sure wellness is a part of your day:

1. Set a routine. Setting a routine is a great way to stay on track and feel more organized. Once you have set a routine and determined when you will have free time throughout your day, you can then start adding in some fitness or relaxation activities that will fit with your schedule.

2. Meal prep. While meal prepping can seem intimidating, we promise it’s a life saver—and it’s definitely a time saver. Pick one night a week to go to the grocery store and cook meals for the rest of the week. On a busy morning, you can just grab your breakfast, lunch, and dinner out of the fridge and be ready to go! Another perk of meal prepping—you won’t overeat because your food portions are already pre-set for you. For some healthy meal prep inspiration, check out a few of our favorites on our Pinterest board.   

3. Pick a gym nearby. It really doesn’t matter how fancy a gym is if it’s too far of a drive from your office or home. You simply won’t go to the gym if it’s out of the way and you only have 45 minutes before you need to get home. Pick a gym that is a close drive from either your office or your home so that “not having enough time” won’t be an excuse to skip for the day.

4. Limit screen time. Take a break from staring at screens all day! Get up and move away from your work computer every couple of hours. Also be sure to limit your time in front of the TV or your phone. Try reading or taking a walk during your free time rather than sitting in front of a screen.

5. Go to bed earlier. This way you can wake up earlier. Waking up early is great for your morning routine. You will have time to cook a healthy breakfast or take your dog on a walk. You will also be getting more sleep and wake up feeling more energized.

6. Micro workouts. There are plenty of opportunities to get your heart rate up throughout the day. Try doing light exercises at your desk such as leg raises or chair squats. You can even try a 10-minute workout during your lunch break! It will help keep you energized and focused when you return back to your work.

7. Meditate. Meditating for even 10 minutes can make all the difference. You can meditate from anywhere at any time. Try meditation right when you wake up or as soon as you get home for work. It’s a great way to relieve stress and keep your mental health in balance.

8. Move around at work. Try making a standing desk or have walking meetings. Use any breaks to your advantage to get in as many steps as you can. Take the stairs and walk over to a coworker to ask a question, rather than a phone call or email.

9. Reserve at least 15 minutes a day for “me time.” “Me time” consists of whatever it is that makes you feel happy or relaxed. Take a bath, read a book, or even finish that craft project you’ve been “too busy” to work on. 

10. Combine healthy time with family time. Spending quality time with your family is important for your health as well! Go for a bike ride with your spouse, take your kids to the park, or take a family trip to the pool.

There is nothing wrong with making time for yourself and your well-being. Being healthy contributes a lot of positivity into your life and your family’s lives as well.

What are some ways that you incorporate wellness into your busy schedule? Feel free to comment below, we would love to hear from you!

Image: Girl with clock in hand's photograph by jcomp Freepik