Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

10 Cold and Flu Prevention Tips for the Workplace

Written by Lisa Stovall | Mon, Sep 23, 2024

As the temperature drops, the risk of catching those annoying bugs rises. Cold and flu season is just around the corner, and with it comes the challenge of keeping your workplace healthy and productive.

But here's a surprising fact: every year, around 200 million workdays are lost in the U.S. due to cold and flu. That's like hitting the pause button on productivity across the nation!

When one person catches a bug, it often spreads like wildfire through the office. Just picture it — a chorus of coughs and sneezes echoing through the halls. Not exactly the soundtrack you want for your workday, right?

With 1 billion colds happening in the U.S. each year, it's no wonder that adults can expect to catch two to four colds annually. Some might even face more than their fair share.

But don't worry! We're here to arm you with ten super simple yet powerful tips to help you prevent the spread of cold and flu in your workplace. These actions are easy to follow, and when everyone pitches in, you can create a healthier, happier environment where productivity thrives.

It's Not Just a Cold!

When someone says, “It’s just a cold,” it’s easy to brush it off. But during cold and flu season, these illnesses can spread like wildfire, affecting not just one person but entire teams. Preventing the spread of infectious disease is more important than ever, especially with the lessons we’ve learned from the pandemic. We’ve seen firsthand how quickly illness can impact our daily lives, and the workplace is no exception.

A healthy work environment is key to keeping both physical and mental well-being in check. When employees feel safe and healthy at work, they’re not just physically better — they’re happier and more motivated, too. Taking simple preventive measures, like encouraging regular handwashing or getting a flu shot, can make a big difference in keeping everyone well. And when people are healthy, morale goes up, and sick leave goes down.

But it’s not just about feeling good — there are real economic impacts, too. Cold and flu season can take a serious toll on businesses. When employees are out sick, it leads to lost productivity, delayed projects, and sometimes, increased stress on those who are covering for absent coworkers. In fact, influenza alone costs employers a staggering $10.4 billion annually. This doesn’t even account for the billions more lost in productivity each year due to illness-related absenteeism.

And here’s why it’s so important to focus on flu prevention:

  • The Flu Can Be Severe and Even Cause Death. While the influenza virus can be mild for some, it can also be severe or even deadly, especially for people over age 65, children under five, and those with chronic health conditions.
  • The Flu Can Make Certain Health Conditions Worse. If someone has a long-term health condition, the flu can make managing it much harder.
  • The Flu Can Cause Other Health Problems. The flu can lead to complications such as bronchitis, ear infections, sinus infections, and pneumonia.
By taking steps to prevent the spread of colds and flu, we’re not just protecting individual employees — we’re safeguarding the entire business. A healthy workforce is a more productive one, and that benefits everyone.

Top 10 Tips to Prevent Cold and Flu in the Workplace 

Keeping everyone healthy at work is super important, especially during cold and flu season. Here are ten simple tips to help prevent the spread of germs and keep your workplace feeling great!

1. Shield Your Team With Flu Vaccinations

Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect everyone from the flu. It helps stop flu outbreaks and keeps your team safe, especially those who might get really sick from the flu. You can even host a flu shot clinic at work to make it easy for everyone to get vaccinated.

2. Keep Germs at Bay with Office Hygiene

Washing hands is a big deal. Regular handwashing and using hand sanitizer can stop germs from spreading. Make sure there’s plenty of soap and hand sanitizer in the office, especially in common areas. And don’t forget to cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow to keep germs to yourself.

3. Disinfect to Protect

Keeping things clean is key! Make sure to regularly clean high-touch surfaces like door handles, keyboards, and phones. If needed, hire a commercial cleaning service to give everything a good scrub and keep those germs away.

4. Tell Sick Employees to Stay Home

If someone is sick, they should stay home. It’s better for them to rest and recover, and it helps stop the spread of illness. Having a flexible sick leave policy encourages employees to take the time they need to get better without worrying.

5. Stay on Top of Flu Symptoms

If someone has mild symptoms, they can typically manage them with over-the-counter meds, but keeping an eye on things is essential. If symptoms get worse, it’s a good idea to see a doctor to make sure it’s not something more serious. The flu can turn into sinus infections, bronchitis, or pneumonia.

6. Keep Your Distance

During flu season, keeping a little distance can help. You can rearrange workspaces to give people more room and even consider letting people work from home during peak flu times to reduce close contact.

7. Support High-Risk Employees 

Some people are at higher risk of getting really sick, like those with chronic health conditions. It’s important to support them with extra precautions, like offering masks or setting up their workspace in a safer spot.

8. Empower Employees with Flu Prevention Knowledge

Knowledge is power! Offer regular training on flu prevention, good hygiene, and the importance of getting a flu shot. One effective way to keep everyone informed is by sending out reminders through email or using other communication methods such as text messages, posters, or team collaboration platforms.

9. Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep can help your immune system fight off illness. Encourage healthy habits at work by providing fresh fruits and promoting physical activity. A healthy body is better at keeping germs away.

10. Foster a Health-Conscious Culture

Creating a health-conscious workplace is a team effort. Promote wellness programs and recognize employees who make healthy choices. You can even set up a health committee to oversee these initiatives and keep the workplace focused on wellness.

By following these ten tips, you can help create a healthier, happier workplace where everyone feels their best, even during cold and flu season!

Make Wellness a Priority in Your Workplace 

Now that you know these top tips, it’s time to put them into action! By taking proactive steps, you can help protect your workplace from the flu and keep everyone healthy and happy. Remember, a little prevention goes a long way in creating a safer, more productive environment.

Need help getting started? TotalWellness is here to assist with on-site flu clinics, employee wellness programs, and other preventive services. We’re ready to help you make wellness a priority in your workplace.

Ready to take the next step? Request a price quote today and see how TotalWellness can support your team’s health this flu season!