Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

Timing is Everything In Employee Wellness Programs

Written by Becky Squiers | Thu, Mar 19, 2015

A recent analysis from Employee Benefits News (EBN) suggests that the timing of your corporate wellness program doesn’t necessarily align with open enrollment. To truly maximize engagement, this is definitely something that needs to be considered.

You’ve heard the phrase timing is everything. In this case, that just might be true. If you put together an excellent wellness program with awesome promotion, but your workforce is simply focused on something else, you won’t make any progress.

The EBN analysis pointed out something that we think makes total sense:

Spring is the best time for wellness.

Why is wellness most effective in the Spring?

Well, there are a few reasons that will leave you saying, “Now, why didn’t I think of that?!”

First, people already have momentum to improve their health, lifestyle, or whatever it may be. This momentum comes from New Year’s resolutions, Lenten promises and just the all-consuming idea that a new year means a new start. At this time of year, people are constantly thinking of ways to become better at something. Your wellness program can ride this momentum and be a vehicle for people to improve their health.

Second, the world is looking forward. At the beginning of Spring, many people have just shaken off the cold of winter and are excited about the better weather that comes with a new season. This better weather improves morale in itself but also presents you with a lot of opportunities. Spring means easily promoting activity outdoors, being part of a Community-Supported Agriculture program, going to farmers markets, joining Summer sports leagues, working on that beach bod, walking or biking to work, and so much more.

Third, we have made it past the winter holidays. Obviously, there are other holidays throughout the year, but from about November until the start of a new year, it’s very easy to throw healthy habits out the window. The focus is usually on sweets, shopping, turkey, and wine— none of which will help you on a journey to better health. In the Spring, we’ve made it past the holiday season, and don’t have to worry about those unhealthy habits sneaking up for many months to come.

How do you take advantage of this awesome season of wellness?

Glad you asked! There are a ton of great ways to use Spring to your advantage throughout the whole first quarter. Before you get to promotion, however, there is one important thing to consider.

Are you starting an employee wellness program? Or are you looking to improve your current program?

Either option is just fine as long as you’re taking steps to improve the health of your employees. Take a look at what’s going on in your company. Try to get feedback from your employees, and decide what your plan of attack should be when it comes to health and wellness.

Whether you’re starting a new program, or building up a current one, you should still play to the strengths of the season. These types of promotion tips can be done all throughout Q1 to get your workforce excited about making healthy choices this spring:

  1. Offer your program as a method of keeping up with resolutions. You can even survey your workforce to find and target common resolutions, such as weight loss or gym time.
  2. Provide events and services to help people reach their individual goals. This could include discounted gym memberships, healthy cookbooks, or lunchtime walking groups.
  3. Get a jump on the beautiful weather by signing up for a company-wide community supported agriculture program, seeking out Spring and Summer sports leagues or planning bike-to-work days.

No matter what method you use to promote your wellness program, it’s important to actively communicate it. Keep your wellness program in the front of people’s minds. Analyses of Google search trends show that people don’t tend to use the word “wellness.” Meet your people where they’re at with words like “health,“ “fitness,” and “diet.” Use these types of words in positive messages for the best, longest-lasting effect.

When it comes to health and wellness, timing really is everything. Many employee wellness providers promote their programs throughout open enrollment. As we mentioned, that tends to be a time when people are more focused on food than fitness. To give your program the best chance at success, ride the health wave that rolls in every Spring. Take advantage of all that the brighter weather has to offer, be a resource to your employees, and actively communicate about your program all throughout Q1.

What workplace wellness ideas do you have for this Spring?