Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

Choosing the Right Corporate Flu Shots for Your Employees

Written by Becky Squiers | Thu, May 19, 2016

It seems there are more flu shot options now than there have ever been before. That makes sense because of the scientific advances we continue to make every year. We know more about the flu virus than we ever have before.

The variety of flu shot options is also a product of the flu vaccine market and the society that market serves. The market is currently shifting towards the new, scientifically-supported flu shot options. They haven’t necessarily let go of older, more traditional options yet because they still work. And they’re still valuable!

The market is also serving a society that values customizability. Different populations of people have different requirements as far as what they will and will not put in their bodies. This is obvious when you look at all the fad diets on the market. The desire for customizability extends into vaccine makeup, too!

So how do you choose what flu shot options are best for you and your employees?

Step 1: You need to look at your workforce. Consider where your employees live, age, gender and their willingness to be vaccinated.

Step 2: Understand the market. Know which shots are popular, effective and affordable.

Step 3: Consult the experts. Take a look at the science behind each type of vaccine and the recommendations made by flu shot experts.

Step 1 is up to you. We can’t come evaluate your workforce each year. If you need help knowing what’s best for your employee population, though, feel free to bounce ideas of your TotalWellness account representative.

We took the liberty of addressing steps 2 and 3 for you. On a webinar last year, we spoke with Alan Kohll—founder of TotalWellness—and Dr. Tom Safranek—the state epidemiologist for Nebraska. They went over the state of the flu shot industry and what that means for corporate flu shot clinics.

We grabbed the highlights and created this whitepaper for you to share with your wellness team. It’s a nice summary of the webinar. But if you prefer to watch and listen to what our flu experts had to say, check out the recording here.

Watching the recording or reading the whitepaper will help you learn about the shifting landscape of corporate flu shots. Alan and Dr. Safranek discussed:

  • How the flu shot works
  • How the flu shot is made
  • How the flu shot market is changing
  • How to protect your workforce from the flu

These are all excellent things to know to understand the flu shot market and how it relates to your workforce. Take the time to look through the material, and let us know if you have any questions in the comments below!