Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

10 Reasons You Should Be Biking to Work

Written by Jamie Bell | Fri, May 16, 2014

Morning commutes always seem to be a struggle. Dealing with rush hour traffic, insufficient parking, faulty alarm clocks and last-minute emergencies tends to start the day off poorly and contribute to unnecessary stress. Besides these basic struggles, getting up extra early to sneak in a pre-sunrise yoga class or a quick morning jog can sometimes seem like an impossible feat. There is an exception, however. All of the employees that bike to work all seem arrive bright-eyed, alert and ready to face the day. Before they even get to their desks, they've gotten in some exercise, soaked up a little sunlight and avoided a dreaded highway commute. Today, on National Bike to Work Day, we salute those employees with a list of our 10 favorite reasons to consider commuting by bike. 

1.) It saves gas money. 
According to the Sierra Club, the average annual operating expenses of a bike are $7,692 less than the average cost of operating a car for a year. 

2.) It'll help you lose weight. 
One study found that the average bicycle commuter loses 13 pounds during their first year of biking to work without overhauling their diet or doing additional exercises. 

3.) Cycling is good for the environment. 
If you substitute one day's worth of driving with biking per week, in a year you'll reduce auto emissions by 1,248 pounds of CO2. Talk about reducing your carbon footprint! 

4.) The government will reimburse you.
Since January 2012, bicycle commuters have been entitled to a $20/month tax-free reimbursement for bike-related expenses if you bike to the office at least three times a week.

5.) It reduces stress. 
Biking to work gives you a guaranteed commute time and parking spot. You won't have to worry about accidents on the highway, rush hour traffic or trying to beat your coworkers for a space in the parking garage. 

6.) Biking does wonders for your health.
According to the Mayo Clinic, people who perform 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to five times a week are at a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, as  well as significantly reducing anxiety and depression.

7.) You'll perform better at work. 
A study of 200 people carried out by the University of Bristol found that employees who exercised before work or at lunchtime improved their time and workload management, and it boosted their motivation and their ability to deal with problems. 

8.) You'll be happier. 
Any mild-to-moderate physical activity releases natural feel-good endorphins that help combat stress and make you happy.

9.) It's gaining popularity. 
Bike commuting is up 36% in the past 5 years, according to U.S. Census data. You may be surprised to find that your city has dedicated bike trails or special considerations for cyclists. 

10.) Changing your commute is easier than you think.
We understand that you may live too far away to commit to the full commute, but consider tossing your bike in your car (or getting a bike rack installed) and parking a couple of miles away. With about half of U.S. employes living within 5 miles of their workplace, chances are it's easier to bike to work than you think. 

As a CEO or human resources professional, there are plenty of ways you can support and even encourage bike commuting among your staff. Be sure that there is a safe place for employees to store their cycles, whether that means installing a bike rack outside or providing a room inside of the office building. Consider providing safety tips or suggested routes for cyclists. 

Would you consider biking to work? If you do already, what are some tips and tricks you have for making the commute convenient?