The holidays are a time for family, friends, fun and food. With those can come stress, weight gain, illness and even injury. To avoid these holiday hazards and remain healthy throughout the happiest time of the year, take our advice below!
Instead of focusing on all the things you have to get done, focus on having fun and being with family. Similarly, don’t make food the most important part of your holiday celebration. Plan projects, activities and enjoy the memories made!
The happiest time of the year can quickly turn into the busiest time of the year. In the hustle and bustle, be sure to schedule time for:
It’s important to stick to a regular sleep schedule, not only to keep your energy up, but to keep your body functioning as it should. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a whole host of health problems, including weight gain!
With big celebratory dinners, platters of cookies and constant snacking, it might be tempting to skip some full meals. While you might think you’re “saving up” your calories, this can lead to overindulging and making poor food choices when you do sit down for a meal.
It’s no secret that gym attendance decreases this time of year. If you can’t make it to the gym, don’t fret; that’s normal! Be sure to schedule some type of physical activity into your holidays, though. This can include powerwalking at the mall, having fun in the snow, ice skating or even doing some stretching while you’re laying low at home with family.
This age-old cliché rings especially true during the holiday season. Moderation applies specifically to holiday eating habits. To avoid going “treat-happy,” consider:
Intentionally seeking moderation when it comes to holiday treats can go a long ways.
While it’s important to avoid illness year round, you’re especially susceptible during the holidays. This time of year, everyone is out and about with family and friends, sharing meals, traveling and opening up their homes to live in close-quarters with guests. If one guest comes down with a cold, it will soon spread to the entire household! Avoid getting and spreading illness by washing your hands regularly, staying warm and dry, avoiding stress and staying hydrated (with water!).
Health and wellness are often focused on eating habits, physical activity and illness. In order to be truly healthy and enjoy your holidays, it’s also important to avoid injury. In this busy time of travel, please remember to do so safely. Designate a sober driver if you plan to drink, drive slowly in bad weather and put down the phone while you’re on the road.
The holidays are clearly filled with family, friends, fun and food. Don’t let these happy memories get lost in the stress of holiday health hazards. What healthy holiday traditions do you and your family uphold?