Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

10 Rules for Living a Healthy Life at Work

Written by Becky Squiers | Thu, Aug 11, 2016

You spend most of your waking hours at work. That means it’s important to have healthy habits you can rely on that exist solely in the workplace. These healthy habits are a great foundation on which to build your healthy life both inside and outside your office.

Now we know that stress can have a negative impact on your health—and rules can cause stress. So think of these rules more like a set of guidelines to help you along in your health journey.

Take a look at our ten rules for working clean below. If there are any rules you break on a regular basis, brainstorm some adjustments you can make to turn that habit around.


10 Rules for Living a Healthy Life at Work from TotalWellness

There are lots of ways you can do health in your life and in your workday. These ten rules are a great start towards a physically, mentally and socially healthy life at work. But there could be other healthy habits that work just as well in your personal health journey.

Your health can and should be personal to you! Healthy habits should fit with your daily work routine—without adding any stress to your life. These ten workplace habits are simple ideas that can easily mesh with what you’re already doing at work.

How well do you stick to these ten rules in your healthy workday? Are there other health rules you try to follow? Let us—and our other readers—know in the comments below!